TOMS | Choose the Give Campaign

Client: TOMS
Scope: Art Direction, Design

TOMS, known for its One for One model – for every product purchased, donating a pair of shoes to a child in need – piloted a new giving campaign called Choose The Give. TOMS wanted to give customers a vote as to where and what kind of help they could provide through their purchase, beyond the traditional shoe donation. 

I worked with TOMS to design the look and feel of the campaign, store display and digital assets, incorporating global and travel elements inspired by the numerous countries in which TOMS and its Giving Partners provide services. 

The campaign worked like this: after making an in-store purchase, the customer received a wood TOMS token, which they could use to vote for the cause they most wanted to support, by dropping their token in one of 5 display boxes in the store, as well as an “I voted” sticker to take home.

If a customer made their purchase online, a pop-up would appear on screen after their order confirmation, prompting them to vote by clicking on the cause they wanted to support. They would then receive a follow up email with more information about their chosen cause.


World Surf League | Various Projects


Rose Avenue | Mural